Rotary Meeting - Dan Ayars, UACA President and Design Principal at NBBJ Design, "Development in Columbus, Developing Traditions in UA" Host: Angela Lanctot
Rotary Meeting - Brig. General Mark Arnold - Here Right Matters Foundation, discussing aide to Ukraine Host: Sandra Cotter
Rotary Meeting - Val Wielezynski - Owner of La Chatelaine French Bistro Host: Chip Knoop
It is UA Rotary's most notorious social event of the year! The Night of the Zacapa is back. Enjoy fellowship with your fellow Rotarians, delicious grilled steaks, fine imported cigars, and of course some Zacapa rum as we help raise funds to help support our club's service activities in the coming year! RSVP is required and the cost this year
Rotary Meeting - Kristina Stuecher, VP OhioHealth Women's Center Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Chad Whittington, President & CEO - CAPA Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Tim May, Ohio State Football Preview Host: Wayne Harer
We will be helping Bed Brigade deliver beds to those in need. Bed delivery is scheduled for August 17th and 5 to 6 Rotarians are needed. We also need a truck if someone has access to one. Please RSVP to Chip Knoop if you are able to attend.
Rotary Meeting - Amy Densborn - SWACO Host: Jessica Grisez