UA Rotary

Rotary Roundtable via Zoom – Jane Leach, Future Ready Columbus

Zoom Meeting

Rotary Roundtable - Jane Leach, Future Ready Columbus Zoom link will be emailed to members in advance   By the time a child reaches the age of 5, 90% of their brain has developed, making the progression from birth to kindergarten the most significant time in their life. Early childhood development – positive and negative – directly affects how the

Volunteering with Homeless Families Foundation

Homes For Families 33 North Grubb St., Columbus

UA Rotary needs 6-8 volunteers on Tuesday, February 16th from 5:30 - 7:30 to help organize the Food Pantry at the Homeless Families Foundation.  Masks are required to be worn. Please contact Herb Gillen at [email protected] or 614.488.2828 to sign up or with questions.

Volunteering with Homeless Families Foundation

Homeless Families Foundation Off-site Storage Facility 824 W 5th Ave, Columbus, OH

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A RESCHEDULED DATE UA Rotary needs 4-6 volunteers to help organize and put together move-in kits for Homeless Families Foundation at their off-site storage facility (824 W 5th Ave, Columbus, OH 43212).  The work could be done in shifts of 1.5 hours if we have enough volunteers.  Masks are required to be worn. Please contact

UA Rotary Roundtable – John Rush, CEO of CleanTurn

Zoom Meeting

John Rush is the Founder & CEO of CleanTurn, Third Way Café, 180 Demo and Rush Real Estate Holdings. After serving as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps, John devoted his career on building small businesses which have trained and employed over 3,000 individuals who have faced multiple barriers to employment. John has five graduate degrees in Urban Studies, Theology, Philosophy,