UA Rotary

UA Rotary Holiday Party

Scioto Country Club 2196 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OH

  UA Rotary Holiday Party Hosts: Whitney Logan and Glenn Dugger

UA Rotary Dine-A-Round

Grandview Cafe 1455 W 3rd Ave, Columbus

  Dine Around for Thursday March 6th at Grandview Cafe and Third & Hollywood.  We will start at Grandview Cafe for happy hour 5-6:30pm upstairs in the private area then divide for dinner (half stay at GC, half to T&H) from 6:30-8pm.  We will have an open bar and appetizers during happy hour paid by the club, then dinner is

UA Rotary Annual Fundraiser

Upper Arlington Bob Crane Community Center 3200 Tremont Rd., UPPER ARLINGTON, OH

Time and Details to follow