Rotary meeting – Ryan Adkins, Owner-Operator – Adkins Farms
Scioto Country Club 2196 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OHRotary meeting - Ryan Adkins, Owner-Operator - Adkins Farms Host: John Krauss
Rotary meeting - Ryan Adkins, Owner-Operator - Adkins Farms Host: John Krauss
The regular lunch Rotary meeting for 12/10 has been cancelled because we will be celebrating at our annual Holiday Party the evening of 12/10 5:30 - 7:30 at Scioto Country Club.
Rotary Rotary Meeting - Brad Frick, “Battle of The Bulge 80th Anniversary, A tribute to one of our own”
Rotary Meeting - Chris Zimmer, Upper Arlington Fire Chief "What's New with the UA Division of Fire" Host: Alan Thompson
Rotary Meeting - Steve Schoeny & Jackie Thiel - City of Upper Arlington "What is the Future of the Henderson Road Corridor?" Host: Angela Lanctot
Rotary Meeting - Sarah Barr, Wild Goose Creative Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Dr. John Horack, Professor and Neil Armstrong Chair of Aerospace Policy at The Ohio State University Host: Michael Turnbull
Rotary Meeting - Patty Churan, Make-A-Wish Central Ohio/UAHS Vocal Music "Sound of Music" Sneak Preview Host: Herb Gillen
Rotary Meeting - Lt. Jason Messer & Sgt. Bryan McKean - Upper Arlington Police Division, "Crime Trends in UA and What You Can Do To Protect Yourself" Host: Alan Thompson