Rotary Meeting – Patty Churan, Make-A-Wish Central Ohio
Scioto Country Club 2196 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OHRotary Meeting - Patty Churan, Make-A-Wish Central Ohio Host: Brad DeHays
Rotary Meeting - Patty Churan, Make-A-Wish Central Ohio Host: Brad DeHays
Rotary Meeting - Upper Arlington Police Division, "Crime Trends in UA and What You Can Do To Protect Yourself" Host: Alan Thompson
Rotary Meeting - Dr. Robert Hunt, Superintendent of UA Schools "Presentation of Public Feedback on Proposed Changes to UA Middle Schools & Burbank Early Learning Center" Host: Lou Sauter
Rotary Meeting - Jesse Jones, National Alliance on Mental Illness Mid-Ohio Host: Debbie Johnson
We will not be holding our regular weekly lunch meeting on Tuesday, March 4th. Instead, we will be holding a Rotary Happy Hour and Club Dine-A-Round sometime this week. Stay tuned for details and registration from Rick Barth and the Social Committee!
Rotary Meeting - Steve Schoeny, Exclusive Preview Tour of the New UA Rec Center We will be holding our regular weekly meeting and eating lunch at Houlihan's at Kingsdale Center. Food will be served beginning at 11:30 and our business meeting will begin around 11:50. Steve Schoeny will provide a brief overview of the new facility before leading us
UA Rotary Meeting - Bill LaFayette PhD - Regionomics "Jobs & Economic Outlook for Central Ohio" Host: Herb Gillen
Rotary Meeting - John Petro and Chrissy Masdea Landolfi, Cristo Rey High School Columbus Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Randy Freking, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame: The man who sued MLB to prevent the 1981 baseball playoffs" Host: Don Leach
Rotary Meeting - Louis Ulman, "Arc of Appalachia - Saving the Birds of Ohio in Guatemala" Host: Chris Copeland