Rotary Meeting - Lieutenant Keith Hall & Sergeant Matt Petty - UA Police Division, Citizens Police Academy Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Kristin Greenberg, UA Historical Society Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Steve Stover - Dining in Columbus Host: Rich Simpson
Rotary Meeting - Beth Johnson - Honor Flight Columbus Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Tom Schmid, CEO - The Columbus Zoo Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Ryan Miller, 2nd & 7 Foundation Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Michael Stinziano, Franklin County Auditor Host: Jeanine Hummer
Rotary Meeting - Logan Hittle, Assistant Athletic Director for Name, Image & Likeness - The Ohio State University Host: Herb Gillen
Rotary Meeting - Steve Mollmann, MIS Security Threat Detection Systems Host: John Krauss Updated 3/5/24: our original speaker had to cancel. We hope to have him rescheduled sometime in the future.
Rotary Meeting - Jeff Reed, "Honda, Ohio, and the Future of Mobility" Host: Jessica Grisez
Rotary Meeting - Barry McGraw, Founder and Chief Laboratory Officer - Ohio Soy Bean Council Host: Molly Fontana