Rotary Weekly Meeting – Andrew Rigney, Former FBI Counter-terrorism Officer
Scioto Country Club 2196 Riverside Dr, Columbus, OHRotary Weekly Meeting - Andrew Rigney, Former FBI Counter-terrorism Officer Host: Bob Long
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Andrew Rigney, Former FBI Counter-terrorism Officer Host: Bob Long
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Kenny McDonald, President and CEO of the Columbus Partnership Host: Debbie Johnson
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Denise Robinson, President & CEO - Alvis Host: Tracy Kirby
Rotary Weekly Meeting - John Lowe, CEO - Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream Host: Angela Lanctot
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Stephen White, Vice President of External Affairs, Strategic Initiatives, and Business Development, COSI Host: Tracy Kirby
Rotary Weekly Meeting - John Ness, CEO - ODW Logistics "Supply Chain & Logistics" Host: Phil Glandon
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Beth Hatch - Director, Upper Arlington Public Library - "Update on the Library and the Library Levy" Host: Joe Valentino
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted - Intel and the Impact for Ohio Host: Herb Gillen
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Lauren Morosky, Manager of Community programs and partnerships for Ruling Our eXperiences, Inc. (ROX)
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Steve Schoeny, Upper Arlington City Manager
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Amy Hoying & Ryan Miller, The 2nd & 7 Foundation Host: Angela Lanctot