Mike Kull asked for four or five volunteers to help with the Homes for Families Not. One. Night program entitled “Walk ‘n Concert” at Wolfe Park on September 29. The time commitment is from 1:00 to 3:30.
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. The first dinner will be October 14th. Contact John Huneck for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.
UA Rotary will again be partnering with Operation Warm to provide new winter coats to kids at West Broad Street Elementary this year. Last year Operation Warm provided kids in Columbus with 4000 coats. UA Rotary will be funding $12,500 towards this project and members are requested to cover the rest of the expenses ($25 buys one coat). There will
We will need at least 10 Rotarians to help with our UAHS Interact and middle school Interact members to do yard cleanup for Upper Arlington senior citizens. Meet at the UA Senior Center and bring gloves, rakes, brooms, blowers, trimmers, etc. Please RSVP to Barri Jones if you can make it.
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. Contact John Huneck to RSVP or for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.
We need Rotarians to ring the bell and collect donations for the Salvation Army. Shifts will be for one hour. Email Tom Davis at [email protected], 614 580-6254 with all dates and times that you are available. Learn more at http://uarotary.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/2024_Salvation_Army_Sign-Up.pdf
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. Contact John Huneck to RSVP or for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. Contact John Huneck to RSVP or for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. Contact John Huneck to RSVP or for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.
Our club will be funding and volunteering for a series of dinners at Ronald McDonald House. In addition to Interact volunteers, we will need some Rotarian volunteers. Contact John Huneck to RSVP or for additional information at [email protected] or 614-716-1542.