It's a party that gets more and more infamous each year... and one that nobody wants to miss! For the past nine years our club's signature summer social event, Night of Zacapa, focuses on fellowship, fun, getting to know each other plus raising some money for our club projects. We are excited to announce that once again this year our
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Tour of New Upper Arlington High School Host: Paul Imhoff Please note that lunch will be provided in the new UAHS cafeteria
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Steve Stover, Restaurant Critic Host: Rich Simpson
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Greg Lehman, Watershed Distillery Host: Angela Lanctot
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Lt. Governor Jon Husted Host: Herb Gillen
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State Host: Angela Lanctot
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Christopher Columbus Statue Council Host: Jaime Sisto