Rotary Weekly Meeting – Erin Moody, Natun Guatemala
Rotary Weekly Meeting – Erin Moody, Natun Guatemala
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Erin Moody, Natun Guatemala Host: Steve Sandbo
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Erin Moody, Natun Guatemala Host: Steve Sandbo
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Veeramani Kaaruppuchamy, Food Sustainability Hosts: Jack & Sandra Cotter
Rotary Weekly Meeting - Roberta Winch, Ohio SBDC, CSCC Director, Export Assistance Network, Ohio Export Programs Host: Ralph Griffith
The May 23rd noon weekly meeting has been cancelled in lieu of the Annual Fundraiser that will take place the evening of the 23rd.
Rotary Weekly Meeting - David Westin, AVP Cyber Security Operations of Nationwide - "Cyber Security, What's Next" Host: Kelly Marlow